Five ideas for using music in your history classroom
Music, songs and lyrics represent a vast treasure trove into which we can delve in the classroom – here are some practical ideas.
Music, songs and lyrics represent a vast treasure trove into which we can delve in the classroom – here are some practical ideas.
Neil Bates, persuades us that local history features in our Key Stage 3 curriculum. Not only does Neil provide a strong argument, he also gives some thoughtful and practical tips on how you could go about planning your own local history enquiry.
Why should you bother listening to your students? Neil Bates and Robbie Bowry describe how their students helped to guide and shape some of the department’s lessons and historical enquiries.
Including archaeology in your curriculum may first appear daunting. However, Neil Bates explains that it is easier than you think. It engages pupils and helps them understand what the historical process actually is.