Latest articles – practical advice and resources to help history teachers improve classroom performance.

Five ideas for using music in your history classroom
Music, songs and lyrics represent a vast treasure trove into which we can delve in the classroom – here are some practical ideas.

Putting the history back into lesson observation and professional development
Practical suggestions for how mentors can forefront historical learning in their observations to put the history back into beginning teachers’ professional development.

Source Utility Questions at GCSE: Cartoons
Helping students to answer source utility questions which focus on political cartoons.

Watch: What do History teachers actually need to know?
Professor Simon Thompson discusses what he found out when researching what effective history teachers should know.

The inside guide to school history museum visits
How to plan a school history trip to a museum, what mistakes to avoid and make the most of your day.

Where in History? – The Antikythera mechanism
Why the the Antikythera mechanism is such a special item and worthy of a place in the hall of Practical Histories fame.

Ofsted’s History subject report: Key findings
Tim Jenner, Ofsted’s lead for history, shares some of the key findings from Ofsted’s recent report into history in schools

The Purposes of Practical Demonstration
Dr Ian Luff explains how and why history teachers should widen their pedagogical repertoire and occasional engage in practical demonstration.

Editorial – May 2024
The May 2023 edition of Practical Histories with contributions from across the spectrum of the history education world.